Kalevala is such a magic epode that is rerighting and get new meanings at every declamation, at every incantation. Like Ede Terényi’s music, Kalevala is much more that we can say, feel or understand; a long string of signs placed carefully here on earth for not forget the way to haven.
The discourse of these essential meanings is coming from the very high circles of the spirit, where the energies of life and die are irummping, where the knowledge is revealing itself, where the creation was done.
The opera “Kalevala” is a pure well of these wonderful spaces, a kind of universe itself what is searching his own beginning like the circle, an initiated way of creation to discovering our selves, for discovering the faces of our dreams, of our times and our present...
The discourse of these essential meanings is coming from the very high circles of the spirit, where the energies of life and die are irummping, where the knowledge is revealing itself, where the creation was done.
The opera “Kalevala” is a pure well of these wonderful spaces, a kind of universe itself what is searching his own beginning like the circle, an initiated way of creation to discovering our selves, for discovering the faces of our dreams, of our times and our present...
Epopeea Kalevala nu poate fi învăţată, ... nu poate fi redată întocmai niciodată. Precum muzica lui Ede Terényi, ea este mereu mai mult decât se poate spune, simţi sau înţelege; un lung şir de însemne aşezate cu grijă aici, pe pământ, pentru a nu uita drumul spre cer.
Discursul acestor esenţe se rosteşte în cele mai elevate sfere ale spiritului, acolo de unde irump energiile vieţii şi morţii, acolo unde se destăinuie fulgerător ştiinţa, acolo unde se înfăptuieşte creaţia.Opera “Kalevala”, fântână pură a acestor lumi, este un univers în sine, care, precum cercul, se arcuieşte spre începuturile sale, un drum iniţiatic prin creaţie spre cunoaşterea de sine şi a chipului visurilor, a vremurilor şi a clipei...
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